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Ferrari night at M1NT

On M1NT rooftop, half the people speak Italian but at least the champagne is French #ferrarinight

Formula One is in town this weekend, so there are lots of racing related events. Tonight Ferrari organized a dinner (with among others their drivers Massa and Alonso) and party at M1NT. Grace and I went to the party which was (mainly) held on M1NT’s rooftop terrace. The weather was great for an outdoor event tonight, spring has really arrived in Shanghai it seems.

Ferrari car on the wall at M1NT

Ferrari actually put a real Formula One car on the wall in the M1NT night club. Not this year’s model though, but ‘just’ a 2008 one.

Grace and Elaine (our neigbor) on M1NT rooftopGrace and our neighbor Elaine, who we met at M1NT with her husband

Not many parties I attended have cigar makers that hand roll your cigars! #M1NT #Ferrari #formula1I don’t think I have been at a lot of parties where cigar makers prepare fresh cigars for you. But Ferrari had one during the party!

And even less frequent, at least in China where nudity is still not allowed in public, is a body painted girl. But M1NT pulled it off, the lady was totally naked and body painted in the colors of Felipe Massa’s racing suit with M1NT both on the front and back!

Ferrari M1NT body paint model

I enjoyed the evening a lot, too bad it was on a Thursday instead of a weekend night. But a party like this compensates for a bit less sleep!

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