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How long does it take to build a 15-story hotel in China? 6 days!

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me, is how quickly China’s cities change. Buildings seem to pop up out of nowhere, and if you don’t visit a neighborhood for a few months it can look quite different. On average skyscrapers grow 1-2 stories per week, but sometimes it can go a lot quicker. See for example this time lapse video in which a 15-story hotel in Changsha gets build in just 6 days! Amazing.


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  • A Chinese company plans to build the tallest skyscraper in the world – in just 7 months! | Shanghaied Weblog September 16, 2011

    […] about about Broad on this blog twice already over the past years, once when they constructed a 15-story hotel in 6 days, and once when they finished a 30-story building in 15 days. And now they plan to go from 30 […]

  • Building a 30-story hotel in 15 days | Shanghaied Weblog September 16, 2011

    […] over a year ago I wrote a post about a Chinese company, Broad Group, that was able to build a 15-story hotel in 6 days, using […]

  • Tweets that mention How long does it take to build a 15-story hotel in China? 6 days! | Shanghaied Weblog -- September 16, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Fons Tuinstra and Matthijs v.d Broek , Hans van Leersum. Hans van Leersum said: RT @fonstuinstra: How long does it take to build a 15-story hotel in China? 6 days! | Shanghaied Weblog […]