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Spil Games Asia outing 2010 in Moganshan and Nanxun

Last weekend Spil Games Asia went on its annual outing. This year we went to Moganshan (a mountain in Zhejiang) and Nanxun (a water town) for our two day trip.

We had a bit of bad luck with the weather, because despite the forecast of sunshine it rained on Friday when we left Shanghai. The rain followed us to Moganshan where clouds and fog joined us as well. The result: none of our staff could enjoy the beautiful views of the bamboo forest covered mountains and some of the old European style villas on it.

But the trip was fun anyway. During the bus trip we all sang our company song, that our sound guy and some other staff had composed over the past days. We sang it so often that it’s still in my head now.

Upon arrival on the mountain we had a big lunch with some beers and then went for a hike. Because of the weather we cut the hike short and spent

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  1. MvdC, sorry for being such a stickler here, but let me just list some of the “problems” in this post:

    1) You had lunch and beers and THEN you all hiked?! My Lord…on a full stomach?! What kind of hike was this? Yikes! Who’s responsible for this?

    2) You mixed whiskey and beer chasers the night before and THEN had a 6am wakeup call? (I think it’s time to submit my CV to Spil Games HR!). How did anyone get up? Wild style…

    and then the piece de la resistance…

    3) the bus driver is driving the rig as if he’s in the Fortune 500 on >200 curved road and *only* 10 people “weren’t feeling so hot?”

    Like I said, I think I’m working for the wrong company…

    ps it would be cool if Joop could add the “subscribe to comments” plugin here too. The discussions could perhaps become a little more lively and we wouldn’t miss a beat? It’s a 1-2-3 sort of thing, to be sure.

  2. You’re welcome submit your CV, but remember that it’s not always like this. I am definitively in favor of ‘work hard, party hard’ though.

    The subscribe to comments button will be added soon, good suggestion.

  3. Reading posts like this one, makes me want to work at your company 😉
    The atmosphere seems to be good at Spil Games Asia.


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