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New blog design live!

If you read this on my blog at you will see that the design has changed completely, something that was long overdue. When I first started blogging in September 2004 I was on a Radio Userland platform, but I changed to Blogger and to my own domain in August 2005. Since then I did not make any big changes to the design.

I am now using WordPress, which has the big advantage that I can write blog posts and approve comments without using a VPN in China. One of the other advantages of WordPress is that you can easily add plugins/widgets to your blog, so far only a few have been installed but I may add more later. If you have any suggestions for the design or plugins or if you find any bugs, please let me know.

I would like to thank Joop Dorresteijin (Twitter:@joop) for his help with the new WordPress design and getting all my posts, pictures and comments into the new blog design. Great job, Joop!

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  1. Congratulations Marc! I love this new design. Neat and good (but I got to enlarge the fonts a bit as I’m very shortsighted; should spend less time in front of the computer in 2010)

    Great to know you’re on WordPress now. Hurray!

  2. Hey Marc,

    Congrats on the new design! Very tight! I’ve always been a firm believer in changing your blog skin/homepage every year as part of one’s “New Year’s Resolutions,” just as most people change their mobile phone, clothing, or in some cases, their car lease. We should also get into the habit of changing our blog interface (I’m doing precisely that myself as we speak, actually). I bet it’s going to be a whole lot more fun to edit and compose here — not to mention that comments are all preserved on just the single window instead of opening up an additional browser window/tab.

    Hope you feel better, sorry to hear that you’re opening up the year on a low ebb…but think about all of the room to rise up again (symbolically, this is connected with your whole essence, by the way — the battler. During the downtime, have you considered it? I’m not surprised it’s been happening).

    Keep us posted on your progress.


  3. The new blog design is really nice. Love the fact that comments are right away visible. Like the color of the text (easy for the eye), but indeed could be a bit larger for people like me. Nice the latest tweet + link-pics in the header.

    Keep the good things going

  4. WordPress is great indeed. I use it for allmost all of my websites, including my personal blog.

  5. Mooi design, en ik ben blij dat je blijft bloggen naast Twitter 🙂

  6. hi Marc
    i enjoy your blog, lurking in it from time to time. you point out to things i am not aware of while living in the same city. i’m not sure i understand about how you find it easy to use WP to post your blogs. at least as of recent i could not reach blogs posted through that service provider unless i used VPN. this would be a new change, that WP opened up.

  7. @Arturo Only the domain is blocked, as long as you use your own domain you can use it without a problem. Also for posting you use your own domain, no need to go to