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Buying a Christmas tree online in Shanghai

Because most Chinese don’t celebrate Christmas, there are not that many places in town where you can buy Christmas trees. I still remember that about 3 years ago my wife and I spent a whole Saturday afternoon trying to find a decent Christmas tree and eventually ended up buying a fake one. But times are changing, and it seems you can now also get them online. A fellow Dutch entrepreneur, Nic Pannekeet, sells them through his company

How does it work? Very simple, just send an email to with the size you want, your name, address and phone number, and the company will contact you for delivery. You can also call them at 021-2821 2241 or mobile 158 2171 1221 (Camille). The available sizes and prices:

Available sizes            Price ex transport
80   –  150 cm              180 RMB
150 – 200 cm               350 RMB
200 – 250 cm               450 RMB
250 – 300 cm               600 RMB
300 – 350 cm               800 RMB

I did not try out the service myself (our gardener already provided us with a tree before we even thought about buying one), so feel free to let me know your experiences in the comments.

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  1. Just send them an email. Would be nice surprise at our house. Will let you know later!

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  3. Cedric, unfortunately I don’t put ads on my blog. I want to be able to be able to blog about everything and not have a conflict of interest with any advertisers.

  4. Hi Marc,

    I came across your blog while I searching for a christmas tree on the internet. I found out rosagallica’s website obsolete.

    Can I know if there are any other shops I can visit to place an order?


  5. Don’t know any others right now, but if I come across one I’ll put it on my blog over the next weeks.


  • Buying a christmas tree in Shanghai (howto) | November 1, 2010

    […] To get into the holiday spirit, we’ve ordered a tree from A tip from Marc. […]