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A great morning with Scott

This morning I decided to spend some quality time with Scott. His nanny has vacation and I had the idea to take him out for a walk on Hongmei Lu and have a drink with him. The first stop on our walk was the golf course opposite our compound. I showed Scott the driving range and he was intrigued by all the people hitting balls. Right at that moment a helicopter flew over (a very rare thing in Shanghai, you never see a helicopter above the city), which he liked even more.

We then walked on to have a coffee somewhere. The terrace at Starbucks was full, but Costa Coffee still had a table, so we sat down there. I had a Caramel Latte and Scott a Kiwi Strawberry Snapple. I also ordered a piece of chocolate cheesecake that I shared with Scott. The weather was very nice, about 26 degrees and sunny, and in the sun it still felt like summer. Scott also seemed to be warm because he finished the Snapple (16 fl. oz, a bit less than half a liter) within 10 minutes!

We then continued our walk and had an early lunch at the Bastiaan Bakery (the Dutch bakery on Hongmei Pedestrian Street). I had a soup and turkey roll that I wanted to share with Scott, but he was only interested in the piece of bread that came with the soup. After lunch we went over to the Pearl Market, that is becoming more and more popular with tourists because of the fake products they sell there. I just went to the foreign language book store (ground floor in the back) and checked out the Nintendo DS games shop, but did not buy anything. The last stop was the DVD shop where I bought an old documentary about China that I plan to watch while running on the treadmill today. Scott was getting a bit tired by then and while walking back he fell asleep. We had a very nice morning together and I want to do this more often.

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  1. Marc,
    Which one of below is the pearl market you mentioned?
    Or is there a third one?
    Beside pearls, I am curious about book store and game shop actually 🙂

    1)Pearl City
    2nd and 3rd floors, 558 Nanjing Dong Lu, Shanghai, China

    2)Hong Qiao New World Pearl Market
    Hong Mei Road on the corner of Hong Qiao Road

  2. The second one on Hongmei Lu. It's close to where I live.