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A company bought AdWords on my name

This week I was checking Google for what the Dutch media had written about the opening of the Academic Year in Maastricht, when I noticed that someone had bought AdWords for my name on (the Dutch version of Google, so not on

The advertiser is the website of Dutch business magazine Quote, more a gossip glossy than a real business magazine, but (or maybe because of that) quite popular. I was featured twice in the magazine in a listing of successful entrepreneurs, and they seem to have bought the names of other people that were featured in their listings as well. At least, I checked it for Spil Games co-founder Bennie Eeftink, and search results for his name have a similar sponsored link.

Not sure what to think of this, but it probably works for Quote: a friend told me they have been advertising with my name for a couple of months already.

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  1. What a compliment! While QUOTE doesn't have the cachet of a more business-y publication, it's the sort of viral fare that people want to read when they're on a plane or waiting for the bus/train, etc. There are so many things that demand our utmost attention and concentration — at least the sort of material I read and research myself — QUOTE is the perfect antidote. Congratulations! | I'd still really enjoy watching some of those interviews you gave while in NL, Marc. I cast my vote, once again. 🙂 |