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Elaine arrives home

After giving birth to Elaine, my wife had to stay in the hospital for a few days. But today she was allowed to go home, so our family of 4 is now together in our house for the first time. It takes a bit of getting used to, when you suddenly have two kids in the house. Especially when they both decide to cry at the same time 🙂

Scott also needs to get used to Elaine a bit. He is a bit jealous that his parents are holding Elaine as well, and not only him. But I think he will get used to it quickly. He looks at Elaine a lot and even tried to touch her when she was laying in bed. Because he does not understand the difference between hitting and touching, we have to watch out that he does not unintentionally hurt her. Elaine has a small bed in the living room to lay in when she is awake during daytime, and when she is not in there Scott suddenly wants to play in there as well.

I am very happy to have the whole family at home now. It is a bit crowded, especially because we hired a nanny for Elaine as well (Scott also has his own nanny) and because my parent-in-law are visiting, but the house feels alive. Very different from just two years ago when it was just me and my wife, but I actually like it. Welcome home Elaine, you make your father very happy!

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  1. Dear Marc,
    congratulations to you, Grace and Scott!
    Hope you can find some sleep tonight !!!
    All the best from the Crosettos!

  2. Don’t give up on runnin!

    Way to go – reminds me of Andy’s
    birth – he’s 9 now – and Archie’s
    he’s 40 ! ie I’m in your Dad’s
    generation but because or running
    have new start.

  3. Hoi Marc,
    Gefeliciteerd met jullie kleine meissie!
    Vergeet je niet je “about me” te updaten?
    Married to Grace, with whom I have a son, Scott van der Chijs……

  4. Hi Marc,

    Congratulations with your daughter, nice to hear all are well at home now, hope she will sleep trough the night soon 🙂

    Happy running, Myckel