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Spring in Holland

The past 3 days I spent in Amsterdam and Hilversum, mainly for business meetings at Spil Games. It was a good trip, glad I took the time to fly back and forth from China. Spil Games is doing very well despite the recession, and with the addition of some new key people in the management this will only get better. Expect to hear a lot more about Spil’s successes soon, this is just the beginning!

The weather was not that great, quite cold with occasionally some rain, but today the weather was suddenly very nice. Early this morning it was still freezing, during a run at dawn with my dad the rain puddles in the woods were still covered with ice. But once the sun climbed higher the temperature went up as well and now the weather is gorgeous. And the flowers also seem to like it, because today suddenly the flowers in my parents garden started to bloom!

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  1. here in Beijing today the temperature already heat up to 16 degrees.

    see you on next friday in Shanghai.


  2. That’s good to hear, because I will be in Beijing on Wednesday for some meetings. See you in Shanghai on Friday.