Today Grace and I went to the hospital for her regular pre-natal check-ups. Because our future baby is about 20 weeks old now, we also did an ultrasound to check among others the gender. And… it’s a girl! Our little boy Scott will get a baby sister by the end of May (EDD May 30, 2009). We are very happy! My wife can now go on another baby item shopping spree, this time for pink-color clothes, bedsheets and whatever you can think of that we already have in blue.
Normally we only do the 2D ultrasound, but today we also did a 3D ultrasound (actually, it’s called a 4D because it’s like a live video stream, 3D are static images). This means that you can see your future baby in 3D and that’s amazingly cool. She was sucking her thumb for a while and moving her legs and hands continuously. Of course I could not resist to put her picture on my blog as well. Quality of this scan is not so good, will try to get a better one tomorrow. See you in a couple of months baby girl!
Amazing and touching picture.
But you know, that it is still not 100% that its a girl. You can only see it by the Fruchtwasseruntersuchung or on the day of birth!
But I keep my fingers crossed! A couple is always nice!
Congrats Marc, a kings wish if it turns out to be correct! We are about 5 wks behind you guys and we cant wait to find out what we will have.
Hoi Marc,
Ziet er nu al gaaf uit. Lees in spanning met je mee. 1) Omdat ik sinds september opleiding tot verloskundige volg (nog 3 1/2 jaar te gaan) en 2) ik zelf 15 weken zwanger ben! Voor ons dus nog even afwachten.
Groetjes Nathalie Biemans
@suzie True, it’s never 100% sure, but I don’t mind taking a bit of risk and put it on my blog anyway 🙂
@Rob Try to get a 3D ultrasound as well when you do the 20-week check-up, it’s amazingly cool to see your future baby moving around.
@Nathalie Congrats! Being pregnant is a very practical way to start your study to become a midwife. What’s the reason for this career switch? It’s very different from what you studied.
First of all congratulations! When I told me girlfriend of your good news, she was very surprised though.
She said it’s very uncommon (perhaps even not allowed) that hospitals tell you the sex of the baby before birth. Probably has to do with the fact that many Chinese want a boy. We were wondering if you heard of such rules.
@Thijs Your girlfriend is right, but I think that regulation is only for local Chinese couples (just like the one-child policy does not affect foreign-Chinese couples). We don’t go to a public hospital but to a private clinic, likely that may also explain the difference.
Marc, congratulations! Brilliant news!! Hope all is well with you and Grace, and best of luck!
Marc, you’re a lucky man! One boy and then one girl….ur daughter is also a lucky girl….have a big bro…this is something I wish to have if things like reincarnation exist!
All the best and may God bless you all…