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A Very Shanghai Christmas

This Saturday Shanghaiist and Cotton’s will organize a Christmas party at the new Cotton’s on Xinhua Lu, close to Dingxi Lu. I have still not been to the new Cotton’s (that’s what you get when you have an almost 1-year old baby and a second coming in 5 months), and this will be a good opportunity to check it out.

Because we are staying in Shanghai this year for Christmas (once again thanks to having a little boy and another boy or girl on his or her way :-), it’s a good way to come a bit into the Christmas mood. Even though we have some Christmas decoration in the office and I play some occasional Christmas songs, I still do not really feel like it will be Christmas soon. It’s just work, work, work as usual these days.

Saturday’s party will likely change that a bit, with Christmas tunes (well, at first at least), two fire places, Christmas movies and a well-heated terrace. I look forward to the party. For more information see here (including a cool picture of the new Cotton’s). Hope to see many of you on Saturday!

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