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A quiet evening in Beijing

I like to have a fast-paced life full of hard work and fun. But sometimes I also need a quiet day on my own in a silent place far away from the busy world. Some people find this in a cabin in the mountains or a remote villa on a tropical island, but for me that place is in the hutongs of Beijing.

Tudou has a courtyard here that’s perfect to be away from it all. I flew into Beijing earlier tonight and the moment I entered the courtyard I immediately felt relaxed. It’s so quiet here, when you stand in the garden (in the center of the building, the courtyard is built around it) you don’t hear anything – even though it’s just a stone’s throw from the bar area of Houhai. Outside it’s freezing cold (-8 Celsius tonight), but inside it comfortably warm.

Tonight I decided to stay in, enjoy a nice bottle of red wine, listen to classical music and read a good book. I found a review copy of Jeff Jarvis upcoming book “What Would Google Do?” (to be published on Jan. 27, 2009) laying around, exactly the book that fits to this setting. My first meeting is at 10:30 AM tomorrow, so I can read and enjoy the wine for at least a couple of more hours.

Life is good.

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