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Back in China

Yesterday I arrived back in Shanghai after a busy week in Holland, without even enough time to write some blog posts… Lots of business appointments at Spil Games, a visit to the Dutch university of arts (HKU), a couple of media interviews, and a weekend visit to my parents. For some more details see my Tweets from last week, although I did not put everything on Twitter.

I was in Holland with 3 Chinese colleagues, who seemed to have enjoyed the trip. Business-wise it was certainly good to have had them in our Hilversum office for a few days, so they understand more about what Spil Games is doing in Holland and for the Spil Games people to see what we are up to in China. Of course we also had lots of beers together, among others in Spil Games office bar in Hilversum. We should do this at least once a year, especially now that Spil Games is growing so fast worldwide.

In the Spil Games Bar in Hilversum (shot with iPhone, hence the low quality)

Now I am back in my office in Shanghai (yesterday already actually, the best way to fight a jet lag is to start working right away) catching up on work. As usual there is quite a back log of work when you are away for a few days. And tomorrow night I am off to Beijing again for a 1.5-day business trip. If you want to meet me, Saturday afternoon I have no meetings yet between 12:30-4 PM, so feel free to get in touch (marcvanderchijs (at) gmail (dot) com). I will be staying close to Houhai.

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