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Typhoon Higos – a direct hit for HK or not?

I arrived in Hong Kong today for two days of intensive training with my team for our 100 km Trailwalker race next month. But yesterday I got an email from one of my team members, saying that a typhoon with strenght 8 would hit Hong Kong over the weekend. I checked online and indeed it looked like a direct hit (picture below is from Thursday):

I was a bit concerned because that would mean running in the mountains would be out of the question (too dangerous with falling trees and potential landslides). But I decided to go anyway, no risk no fun, right? That seems to have been a good decision, because just now I saw the latest update and it seems Hainan will be hit instead of Hong Kong:

That means we can still go running this weekend, although there will be lots of wind and even more rain. I look forward to that, intensive sports in nature is the best way for me to relax and forget all work-related stress.

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