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Happy! Happy! Happy!

This morning my wife and I went to ParkwayHealth in Shanghai (the former WorldLink) and we got some very exciting news: My wife is pregnant again and the 7-week old fetus seems to be in good health!

It was a bit quicker than we expected because baby Scott is only 9 months old right now, but we are extremely happy. The estimated date of birth is May 31, 2009, so we still have a long way to go. And the fetus still has a long way to grow, today he/she is just 1.19 cm tall but already has a heartbeat of 159 beats per minute.

I’d better dust off the ‘What to expect when you’re expecting’ book tonight – although there is not much dust on there yet!

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  1. Ha Van der Chijs.

    Congrats and guess what … Marije is ook weer zwanger en uitgerekend op 27 mei 2009.

    Wordt dus een dubbelslag!


  2. @bas possen Dat heb je mooi getimed. Hoeveel maanden zit er bij jullie tussen de oudste en de jongste?