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Off to the Beijing Olympics

Later today I will be flying to Beijing with Gary for the Olympic Games. I am quite excited about it, and I look especially forward to the Opening Ceremony tomorrow night. I will cover my Beijing activities as usual on Twitter, Friendfeed and Flickr. And possibly also on Qik, if I am able to get my iPhone to work with it (someone from Qik will meet me in Beijing to help me set it up).

Saturday night I plan to go to the Holland Heineken House, traditionally THE place to party during every Olympics (and it’s not only for Dutch nationals, as some people think). It’s located just south of the Great Wall Sheraton on the 3rd Ring Road in the Agricultural Exhibition Center. If you also would like to go you can download an invitation here.

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  1. When I was in Beijing 8 years ago, we were so impressed by the repair works for 2008, that I got really curious how the city looks by now. Also, with all the dutchies in the city, and a Holland Heineken House, the city might feel totally different. Thanks for your updates, I will follow them with interest.

  2. when i was google around i have found this page from you..quite interesting, thanks for the info about the holland house, i have already forwrd it to serveral of my friends who remaind in BJ. I am from BJ but i am living in Belgium now, will follow your reports to get update! Have fun !

  3. Hello Marc

    Enjoy the great grand opening. 8 8 8 (Ba Ba Ba) will change into Oh Oh Oh no doubt. I own a small digital studio in Beijing since September 2004 and have seen Beijing changing and changing. I will have the pleasure of being able to visit some of the events in the 2nd week of the Olympics and no doubt will go to the H H H as well. Will you be present in the second week as well? In the case De Steeg meets Arnhem in Beijing. My contact details are on Best regards and let me know if the iPhone works then I’ll bring one to
