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Spill Group Asia's new office

When I set up Spill Group Asia just over 2 years ago we were just two people, and worked from the China Bay offices (where I was a managing partner at that time). Within a few months we were at 7 people and we had to move to a separate office. We managed to get into the Jiaotong University Incubator Center in Xujiahui, together with tens of other start-ups. A nice working environment for a young company, especially considering the free help from the university and the low rent.

But when companies grow there comes a time that you have to leave the incubator center. Spill Group Asia now has about 70 people (including the developers in our game studio Zlong Games), and therefore a few weeks ago we were asked to look for a ‘regular’ office. We were lucky to find a place quickly, in the same Creative Park where Tudou used to have its offices until about 2 years ago.

Right now Spill Group Asia divides its staff over two separate offices, but in the new place we will all be in one space. Much better for the communication and company culture. We can still grow a bit (we have over 650 m2 available) and the central location on the Suzhou Creek close to People’s Park is also not bad. We plan to move late April / early May to the new office, after we finish redecoration of the place.

View from the new office, not very exciting 🙂

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