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Ever wanted to be an actor? Here is your chance!

If you are a foreigner in Shanghai it’s relatively easy to land a small role in a film or TV commercial. Most foreign crews filming here only bring their main talents from overseas, so when foreigners are needed they look for them locally. A few years ago even I have been in some TV commercials, just because I thought it would be fun. Well, fun it wasn’t, you had to show up at 6 AM, it was always cold and the main part of the day would be spent waiting and waiting and waiting. And sometimes they would even cut you out of the final version…

But if you don’t mind all the waiting, there might be an opportunity for a bigger role than that of an extra. National Geographic is planning to shoot a documentary later this month, called “Legacy of China”. For that they are looking for speaking roles, for both foreigners and Chinese. In this case only for males (sorry ladies…). For Westerners, the requirements are that they can have either an English or French accent. For Chinese males it would be a bonus if you understand English.

Casting director is Robert Vicencio, who you might know from Tudou parties. He is the magnificent singer (among other he was a star in the musical Miss Saigon in London) who performed at at least 3 Tudou parties over the past years. He is also the founder and CEO of

The casting will be held tomorrow already (February 15) at the AskBenny Casting House in Shanghai, Rm. 1705, 1280 Fuxing Zhong Lu (????1280?????1705?).
MALE WESTERNERS : 11:00 – 2:00pm
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MALE CHINESE : 2:30pm – 6:00pm
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More info? +86 1350 1875 454 or RobertVicencio (at) gmail (dot) com
If you want to give it a try, good luck.

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  1. Thanks for this Chris!

    Very much appreciated! You should have auditioned, there was a part for you!

    Look forward to the next Tudou Party! ;o)

    Warmest wishes as always,
