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Scott arrived home – and life changes…

Life has changed a lot since Scott arrived on this planet, especially since Scott came home yesterday. Our home was always nice and quiet, but is suddenly filled with life. Not only because of the screams of our baby. Our ayi used to only work in the morning, but she now stays a couple of hours longer because of Scott. We have a 24-hour Nanny that is trying to dictate life in our house (bad luck Nanny, not in my household), and even the driver regularly finds reasons to come up to our apartment to get a look at the baby. My parents are still here, but they wisely decided to take a hotel room at night (at least they get some sleep). And several people have visited already. If you plan to visit, please let us know in advance. Grace and Scott still need to rest a lot, so preferably wait a couple of days.

But I love it. Having a small boy around the house that is the focus of everyone’s attention is very nice. He can be very loud, especially when he is hungry, but most of the time he is lying quietly in his little bed. He is very active, moving his arms and legs all the time and making small sounds. So sweet. But at night he can be a nuisance. Last night he woke up 3 times (at 12:30 AM, 3 AM and 5 AM), and he shows that by crying for food and attention. My wife then breast feeds him, I don’t envy her for that. I felt pretty much broken this morning because of a lack of sleep, and to compensate I slept for an hour on the couch this afternoon. But Grace sleeps even less and does not seem to be tired at all.

I am sure the nights will get better, and even if that will take a while it’s totally worth it. A baby gives life so much extra value and meaning, I could not imagine that just a week ago. Even though I am tired, the end of 2007 is a very happy one for me.

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  1. Best wishes to Scott, Qiqi and you!
    Enjoy the time staying with your famaly..

    Next time when I am in Shanghai, Please, I want to visit Scott, haha:) I guess at that moment, he may smile to me.. Oh, cute baby!!



  2. geniet ervan marc!

    waarom scot als naam? betekent dat iets voor jullie?


  3. @Lin: It’s very nice to have my family around at such a big occasion. Scott already starts smiling a bit, it makes me very happy to see that.
    @Reinout: Dank, ik geniet er met volle teugen van. Scott heeft verder niet echt een betekenis voor ons, we vonden het beide een mooie (en internationale) naam.