The movie Transformers was a big hit in China a couple of months ago. Some staff at Spill Group Asia even took an afternoon off in the week it was released, to watch the film in the cinema! The blockbuster apparently inspired some people to try to make a transformer themselves. Last week China Car Times reported that Citroen managed to get quite some publicity during the Nanjing Auto Show, when they displayed a Transformer model of one of their cars (a C2). This car was made by 3 men, a nice example of offline user-generated content.
But although the car has not been on display yet in Shanghai, this city now has its own transformer cars. Not one, but two cars are currently on display outside the Shanghai Sculpture Museum (in Red Town, on Huaihai Lu, close to Hongqiao Lu). Quite impressive. It looks like the artist was sponsored by Cici Club, one of the clubs in the area. If you go there be sure to also check out the nice restaurants and galleries that have opened here over the past few months. The place is not well-known yet, but Red Town definitively has the potential to become a new entertainment hot spot.