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Food poisoning

Last night I had dinner with Thijs, Peter and Michael at a Hunan restaurant on Dongping Lu. Nice food, a bit spicy, and not too expensive. However, a few hours later while trying to fall asleep I realized something might have been wrong with the food. I felt like I ate way too much, and not long after that I realized that I had food poisoning. I did not sleep a minute during the whole night because of this, and when I tried to go to work this morning I could not even stand on my legs (completely dehyrdrated and very tired because of lack of sleep).

So I stayed in bed for a few hours, and had some sleep (only to be woken up twice, because of business phone calls). Around 12 I felt a little better, and was able to drink some water and later some soup and yoghurt. I am now back in the office, but probably won’t stay the whole day. Strange is that only Thijs had some (minor) problems, the others were tired this morning because of their jetlag, but nothing related to the food. Not sure what caused the problems, but because it is the only place I ate something that evening I am quite convinced it was something in the Hunan food.

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  1. Hi Marc,
    Do you have any food hypersusceptibility? Maybe some of the herbs or vegetables?

    And the other possibility is maybe these days you are too tried, then your body’s immune system become a little weak.. So.. — not sure, one of my friends got a lot of problems when she is sad…

    Yeth,but take care..If it is possible, go to see a doctor to check.. — Am I too wordy..:(
