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Venexia – great Italian food in Shanghai

My wife and I just got back from an excellent dinner at Venexia, an Italian restaurant on Panyu Lu (at no. 127, close to Yan’an Lu). I thought I knew most Italian restaurants in Shanghai (or at least in Puxi), but for some reason I had not been to, nor heard of, this one. And it’s a pity I did not hear about the place before, because the food and ambiance are excellent!

We talked to the manager during dinner and found out that it has the same owner as La Gondola. That used to be my favorite restaurant for an after-work pizza & wine on a Friday night when I was still a partner at China Bay, but since I moved my office to Xujiahui I hardly ever go there anymore (the 20-30 min. drive is just too much, and there are too many other good restaurants around). But I still have a weak spot for the pizza’s at La Gondola, and I am happy to know that I have a similar option now.

Venexia’s menu is a bit similar to La Gondola (appetizers, pizza, primi & secondi piatti and Chef’s specials), but the restaurant is a bit more up class. The tables and chairs are bigger, and the ambiance is a bit more of an high-end restaurant, with classical paintings on the wall, and a high ceiling with chandeliers. The service is excellent, with staff that speaks good English and knows the menu well. Prices are very reasonable, my wife and I had a 2-course dinner with 2 glasses of prosecco and water for about RMB 600. Parking is available opposite the restaurant at Prince Garden apartments (the parking fee will be paid by the restaurant).

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  1. My cousin just told me that food in Italy are very,very delicious!

    One time in Leipzig we got a very toothsome spaghetti with kinds of seafood, till now i still miss it. haha 🙂

    Wait for trying in China… see if i can find the restaurant you mentioned. 🙂
