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Tibet documentary trailer @

In April/May this year Gary, my dad and myself rode mountain bikes from Lhasa in Tibet to Kathmandu in Nepal. Two camera men (Wang Peng and Zeng Jie) shot the whole expedition, and are now making a one-hour documentary about it. They put a 5-minute trailer on, that has been watched by almost 30,000 people already in the past 2 days. Comments range from people saying that we have too much time and money, to others expressing their disbelief that an old foreigner (sorry dad!) can do this. Most are very positive though, and respect or even admire what we have done. Glad the extremely exhausting trip is over, but it’s nice to watch part of it again while sitting in the sun with a cool drink.

Note: the video is hosted on our servers in China, therefore watching it outside China may be a bit difficult sometimes due to the Great Firewall. Pushing the pause button and waiting for the video to load in the background is normally a good solution.

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  1. Very nice shots of the trip! I am very curious to see the whole documentary.

    Your little sister,

  2. Nice but it never loaded and I had to capture it using firefox extension.

    And I live inside China in Shanghai.

    And can’t read Chinese so I’m guessing what to do in this dialog.

  3. Hope to see the full length version soon with english subs 🙂

  4. Hi Bill, no idea why it did not work for you. I am back in Shanghai now and still have no problem watching the video – either on my blog or directly on Tudou.