in Uncategorized closes C-round today officially announced that it has closed its C-round of investment. Next to our current investors (IDG, Granite Global and Jafco Asia), three new venture capital firms have invested in this round. These are General Catalyst (USA), Capital Today (China) and the Korean VC fund KTB. Partners from General Catalyst and Capital Today will join the board.

Tudou started exactly 2 years ago, and had two other rounds: a 500,000 USD angel round in 2005 and a 8.5 million USD B-round early 2006. Currently Tudou streams about 25 million video’s per day, and users upload on average 20,000 video’s every day.

The video can also be streamed here:

In case you can read Chinese here today’s press release:

????? (2007?4?16?)— ??????????????????????????General Catalyst Partners??????KTB??????????????????????????????????????IDG?????????????


“????????????????????” ????????CEO????“?????General Catalyst?KTB???????????????????????????????????????????????????????”

????????????General Catalyst?David Orfao?????????????

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  1. Congrats to Marc and the whole Tudou team! Best of luck going forward.

  2. Congrats in the first place, and just for the information, why “TuDou” this name has been used? Is it because Marc is from Holland and “Tu-Dou” (Potato) is the typical Dutch food, or “Tu-Dou” sounds like “To-Do”?

  3. I never thought about the potato = Dutch food connection, would indeed be a nice explanation!

    Tudou sounds nice and is easy to remember, that was one reason we choose it. But the main reason is because of the word ‘couch potato’ – people who watch TV or video’s while sitting on the couch. We think the future of media will be Tudou – video’s through the internet, therefore we chose the word potato: Tudou.