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Tudou 2nd Birthday Party

Last night it suddenly started to rain, meaning that the Tudou party had to be an inside-only party instead of a rooftop event. Several people also SMS-ed me that they could not make it because of the rain (as usual hardly any taxi’s available when it rains in Shanghai). That was a pity, but it was still fun event with lots of friends.

I met among others two former colleagues from Mercedes-Benz Indonesia (Jorge and Evelyn), where I did a project in 1996. I had not seen them in 11 years, and it turned out that they are now working in Shanghai. Nice to get in touch again.

The party started with a short video of Tudou’s 2-year history and birthday wishes from Tudou colleagues, followed by a short speech by Gary. After that a Filipino band started to play both oldies (80’s and 90’s songs are called oldies now I was told) and some more recent songs. Robert Vicencio also did a short guest appearance (thanks Robert!). Tudou’s Wii was connected to a projector, and people played the whole evening. Thijs turned out to be the tennis champ: it was his first time to play on the Wii but he beat everyone else.

Lots of picture of the party can already by found on Flickr. Just click here to find them.

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