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Face-lift for website, the Chinese online platform for purchasing and selling cars just had a face-lift. I have been an advisor to this company for over a year now, and the company is doing very well. So far 1bib reached all its milestones and Honglian Tan has built a great team in Guangzhou. They recently launched a new website design. The new layout is refreshing, with a more dynamic style, a vivid orange colour, and a number of cool features and new technology. Features such as comparison, recommendation, lucene search, daily update of special offers and a bulletin board system (BBS) were added.

For car fans, the BBS includes a club for specific brands and a club for uploading and downloading car photos. Car owners can also access and download specific car related forms, such as a car registration form and used car selling contracts.

Other information offered through the BBS includes among others car maintenance, driving rules & regulations, car leasing options, car taxation and the latest news on the Chinese car industry. Viewers can also add comments about cars and dealers. 1bib publishes a monthly offline magazine, so far only in Guangdong province, but starting this month it will be published in Beijing as well.

I think the company has a good potential to keep on growing, and I am proud to be on their advisory board. The company plans to raise a new round of financing over the next couple of months. If you are interested to learn more about this, I can get you in touch with the management team.

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  1. Hi Marc, indeed the website has a refreshing look and additional cool functions. Well done!
    Knowing Lian and the winning team she is building, and all the upcoming features 1bib will launch, I am sure 1bib will be a successful car portal in China.
    I also see a great future for
    Cheers, Yanik