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Macau marathon in pictures

Today my dad and I ran the Macau marathon. It was extremely difficult, especially for me. My dad is in a much better shape than me it seems, although he is 26 years older than me. Not only was the course quite diffucult (several steep inclines, including four times a high bridge plus a lot of wind), but I also had dehyrdation problems (I guess it was too warm for me, about 23 degrees), which was a a bit scary. But my dad managed to pull me through, and we both finished in 3:58:16. A new PR for me (last year in Shanghai I was one minute slower). My dad could have probably run it in 3:30 (his PR is below 3:30), but he stayed with me and pep-talked me into a below 4 hour-time. Right now the only thing I want to do is rest, so I keep the blog entry short and add some pictures to give an impression of the race.

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  1. lol, amazing. you must have a lot of courage to do a marathon…..and in Macau!!! congratulations on ur new PR!

  2. Marc, you did it again, wish you a much better recovery than last time. Congratulations.

  3. Hi Marc,

    Good effort! Respect for the time…

    Am sure that your dad mad a difference indeed, the mind can play tricks on you.

    Have a good recovery


  4. Again you did it! Thought the 2nd time would be easier, but it was a hell a lot that you had to go through. I was really lucky to be there and witness yours and Pa’s success!

    I am so proud of you darling!


  5. Hallo

    Hoe vond je het dat er zoveel Hollanders bij deze wedstrijd aanwezig waren?
    Ik heb jullie onderweg aangemoedigd, “Van Rees” leek me Hollands genoeg.
    Na afloop heb je nog even bij onze groep gestaan. Ja toch!
    Succes verder.



  • One day trip to Macau | Shanghaied Weblog December 20, 2006

    […] last time I was in Macau (for the Macau Marathon 2006) the whole Cotai strip did not exist yet, so we had no idea whether the hotel was a good choice, […]

  • New York Marathon 2011 | Shanghaied Weblog December 20, 2006

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