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Gourmets Coffee Caf

Monday we had breakfast at Gourmets Coffee Café (118, Bin Jiang Road – on the river, 100 meters north of the Sheraton). When we sat down we noticed a sign saying that if you order a coffee you get a free breakfasts. I first thought that they made an English mistake, and that they meant to say “if you order breakfast you get a free coffee’, but it really was the other way around. Coffee was great by the way. The owner is a retired couple, the woman from Guilin, the man from Taiwan, who retired here. The lady told us her successstory in a typical Chinese way (we now have so many houses, so many coffee shops and a car), but I enjoyed it. She was very proud that only foreigners come to her café. I did not point out to her that that may be due to the Western prices (EUR 2-3 for a coffee – OK, including a (Western) breakfast). Gourmets also has a branch in Yangshuo, where we will be heading on Wednesday.

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