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Kathleen's 5

One of Shanghai’s better restaurants is Kathleen’s 5, located on the top floor of the Shanghai Art Museum on People’s Square. The restaurant has a big terrace overlooking People’s Park, and it’s a good location for dinner or for a cigar after dinner.

On Thursday night Qi and I had dinner here with a friend. The dinner was great, our friend is very knowledgable in many subjects and we discussed topics ranging from the German eduction system to catholicism and the pope, and from online gaming to data mining. I even developed a new business idea (and gave him a potential new idea as well), but I won’t implement it. My plate is full already, and I love what I am doing now. I get new ideas all the time, and if I meet the right people who could implement them I will tell them about it.

One strange thing happened on Thursday night: my car remote control system did not work at the Art Museum parking place. I thought that the battery key might be empty, but when I got home it worked fine again. Qi asked the dealer, and he told her that there are a few locations in Shanghai where this happens, among others at the Oriental Pearl Tower and Century Park. Did anybody ever encounter this? And what causes it?

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  1. Possibility is, remote control uses wireless technology???

  2. you get blocked or scrambled. must be lots of governments in the neighberhood 😉 R

  3. in high security zones sometimes (or always) there will be signal jamming of remote control apparatus for security reasons.