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Gmail almost full

Gmail’s motto is “Never delete another message anymore” – and that was one of the reason’s why I started to use their service last year. I forward all my private and corporate email accounts to this service, so I have access to all my mails from every computer in the world.

But it seems I will very soon need to start deleting old emails, because my Gmail box is almost full. This morning I am using 2629 MB (97%) of my 2719 MB. This is without the on average 100 spam mails that I get per day, and that I always delete. I hoped Google would come up with additional storage once I would pass 90% or 95%, but that does not seem to be the case. Even the addition of Google Calendar two weeks ago brought no storage capacity relief.

A Google search learned me that I am not the only person with this problem. There seems to be no solution, and it once again shows the limits of using a free service. You cannot contact anyone at Google when there are problems, and you cannot pay for it. I would not mind paying USD 100/year to them for more storage, but it’s impossible. And I don’t want to switch to another email address again. So today I will spend some time deleting old mails…

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  1. Well that does sound like an intelligent thing to do.

    Keeping lots of old emails can be frustrating though admittedly gmail makes it nearly too easy to og thorugh them using Google Search.


  2. if you’re anything like me, go through and you are sure to find 10 emails with huge attachements (10-20mb). Delete those and suddenly you’re free again.

  3. I managed to get back to 75% now by deleting most attachments older than 6 months. Hopefully Gmail will increase space before I hit the 100% again.

  4. My gmail is also 91% now, but I should wait till 100% and see whats gonna happen 😉

  5. @anonymous: I did not want to take the risk, I had enough trouble already with Gmail before and you are not able to reach anybody there if you need them. Can you post a comment here when you hit the 100%? Good luck!

  6. I’ve been deleting emails everyday for the past few months. I’ve removed all large attachments and I’m at a loss now as to how to proceed… I’m really hoping Google will release a paid for Gmail service.

  7. same problem… and i hope there was answer now..
    worst thing is that i cannot sort by attachment.. going through 6,000 emails is NOT NICE!!! hahaha

    hope gmail comes out with something

  8. @anonymouse: it is possible to sort by attachment: under search don’t input any words or names, but put a cross at ‘with attachment’. Then you’ll get all the mails with attachments.

  9. @anonymous: this is a great idea. I have already deleted hunderds of MB’s of old mails to keep my Gmail account allive, but now I can just forward the new ones and automaticallly delete them. Thanks for this hack!

  10. Are your dependant on Gmail, one way I’ve planned to become less dependant on Gmail is to register my own domain address using (cheap at $15 2 years) like and link to Google Apps using my existing gmail account for free. You can also register multipe sub address for free too like, consult@…that are all accessibe through your gmail….you get the picture.

    Then at anytime in the future I can move from my email provider gmail to someone else (via domain forwarding setting on and still forward gmail address mail to my email address

  11. Are your dependant on Gmail, one way I’ve planned to become less dependant on Gmail is to register my own domain address using (cheap at $15 2 years) like and link to Google Apps using my existing gmail account for free. You can also register multipe sub address for free too like, consult@…that are all accessibe through your gmail….you get the picture.

    Then at anytime in the future I can move from my email provider gmail to someone else (via domain forwarding setting on and still forward gmail mail address to


  • 20 GB additional storage for Gmail | Shanghaied Weblog February 18, 2008

    […] early 2006 my Gmail box was almost full. I tried to get additional storage but it was impossible despite Gmail’s slogan of […]